Chef LoFaso was a strong competitor all season; even when she was on the bottom in early team challenges, her dishes were praised. She is a great chef and we're very disappointed to see her leave at this point in the game.
Chef Antonia, we at All Top Chef wish you much luck in your future endeavors.
This post is only for positive comments about Chef LoFaso and her dishes. If you have anything negative to say, please do so here.
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Antonia was robbed! I will miss her and really, REALLY wanted to see her as top chef. Maybe I'll be able to console myself by eating at her restaurant one day!
Antonio-you rock. I think there might be some favor shown toward the male chefs. I'm watching and think you really did great. You were funny, creative, consistent and kind. Can't wait to see what you do next! Love, your italian sista
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