Saturday, September 8, 2012

Top Recipe - Lorena Garcia's Flourless Chocolate Cake, Caramelized Pineapple and Dulce de Leche Sauce

Flourless Chocolate Cake, Caramelized Pineapple and Dulce de Leche Sauce

Flourless Chocolate Cake:
4 separated eggs
1/2 cup of sugar, separated by half into two bowls
6 oz of dark chocolate
2 tablespoons of rum

Caramelized Pineapple and Walnuts:
1 pineapple, sliced to 1/4-inch thick pieces
1 cup sugar
1 lemon, juiced
Black sesame seeds
Walnuts, chopped, as needed

Dulce de Leche Sauce:
1/4 cup Dulce de Leche
1/4 cup white chocolate
1/2 cup milk

To Make the Chocolate Cake:

Preheat oven to 350° F.

Melt chocolate over a double boiler. Combine the egg yolks with one of the bowls of sugar (1/4 of a cup) and beat until the mixture doubles in volume and the eggs turn pale yellow.

In another bowl, beat the 4 egg whites and add the remaining sugar until soft peaks are visible.

In a large bowl, fold yolk mixture into the chocolate. Separately, fold in the whites after the yolk mixture has fully combined with the melted chocolate.

Line 4-ounce ramekins with butter and flour so that the cakes do not stick to the ramekins’ edges. Fill ramekins about half-way (until batter runs out) and bake for approximately 20 minutes. Serve hot with a scoop of ice cream.

To Make the Caramelized Pineapple and Walnuts:

Place the sugar, pineapple, and walnuts in a sauté pan at medium to high heat, until the sugar caramelizes and the pineapple turns golden brown.

Add pinch of salt and black sesame seeds.

To Make the Dulce de Leche Sauce:

Stir all ingredients over medium heat until reduced to a syrupy consistency.

Pour onto the bottom of a dessert plate and place the caramelized pineapple on top of the sauce.


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