Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Recap Roundup - Top Chef Texas Episode 3

Entertainment Weekly on Padma: "The chefs entered the spacious San Antonio kitchen to be greeted by an aquarium full of slithering rattlesnakes and one seductive viperess named Padma. I wonder if one of the producers tried to convince Padma to drape an albino python over her shoulders a la Britney 2001 (I would have) -- but instead, she was dressed like a Stepford Wife and attempted to shock us all by intoning, 'get some motherf--ing snakes on some motherf--ing plates.' While she was cursing, she somehow managed to come across even more robotic than usual."

Minxeats on snake hunting: "Unfortunately for the home audience, their snakes had already been killed and skinned. I would have loved to see Edward take on a live rattlesnake. He'd probably try to kill it by biting it in half or something equally dramatic. Hopefully the medic would have been standing by with vials of anti-venin this time."

David Dust on maybe crazy: "...is it just me, or does Beverly seem a bit … um … touched?? Did you take note of Bevery's psycho-esque yelling at the meat counter? Did you see her snotting and bawling during Blanca’s dance with her father?? And what was up with that piece of paper she printed, congratulating herself on winning Top Chef??"

A Just Recompense on preparing delicate foods: "And of course, they’re cooking rattlesnake. Johnny tells them – several times during the QF – how delicate the meat is, and how it can take spice but it requires a gentle touch. I dunno, if I were cooking rattlesnake, I’d take the same approach I use with eggs and everything else that makes me nervous: cook the hell out of it, cover it with ketchup, and mash it up so it can be swallowed without chewing or tasting. But the goal of the Quickfire is to showcase the rattlesnake, not hide it."

Max the Girl on let them eat cake: "Luckily, Dakota has immunity, so she can sacrifice herself to the cake gods for the Pink Team (and create a cake so tacky it looks like My Little Pony threw up on it). Meanwhile, Heather, from the Green Team, used to be a pastry chef (apparently in a region with no gravity, but more on that later), so she can leche it up with the best of them. Done and done."

Carol Blymire on wacko: " Beverly cries watching Blanca dance with her dad, and blubbers out some convoluted story that leads us to believe that her own father wanted a son instead of her. Why people choose to go on reality TV rather than see a therapist is beyond me. But I digress."

Grub Street on hypocracy: "The first shopping trip was the usual yelling mishmash, but with an extra side of hypocrisy from the pink team: When sad-faced Lindsey found out Black Hagrid bought precooked shrimp for a mystery dish, she made a speech about how baffled she was that someone thought buying something precooked was okay … and then proceeded to buy store-bought tortillas, an equally egregious offense in our book. She and Sarah then decided to team up on Black Hagrid, making him feel very alone."

Hugh Acheson for PopWatch on understanding Keith: "I have no idea [why Keith bought the cooked shrimp]. I think he was concerned about the time, but there are certain short cuts in the kitchen that chefs of this caliber should never take and he took it. This is a guy who up to this point, even through the quick fire, had been doing the most complex cooking out there. He had been doing plates with four different elements pretty much all the time and really trying to bring a lot of nuance and interesting stuff to the table. Then he makes an enchilada/burrito and buys frozen shrimp. It’s like, what was he thinking? Maybe his bed was too small and he wanted to move on and go home?"

CultureMob on stewing: "The chefs are all sitting in the Stew Room and hot damn, there’s a lot of them. How about a double elimination for Thanksgiving just to thin the ranks a bit? Padma walks in and calls in Sarah, Lindsay, Keith and He-Cat. She calls him Ty, which makes much more sense as a nickname, but I kind of like thinking of him as a super-hero on Saturday morning cartoons."

Eater on inappropriate: "It is young Blanca's QuinceaƱera, a traditional Mexican big fancy 15th birthday party for girls. It is a special day and the teams are charged with making her food. They interrogate her about what she likes. She likes ceviche, tres leches cake, goat, and cabbage leaves. One chef asks, 'Do you like boys?' Um, you are making me uncomfortable. Will her answer influence whether or not you make her a bachelorette party dildo cake?"

My Monkey Could Do That on cakes on plates: "Cake time. Dakota’s cake is pretty garish, but she says Blanca asked for these colors, and for the flavors inside. The bright pink and blue and green are accented by purple calla lilies and tall colored candles. Heather’s cake…oh, Heather. They covered it completely with white flowers, so all you can see is flowers. But it’s melted, so it’s just a lopsided blob. A lopsided blob of flowers with two sad, straggly strands of ivy. It is a Cake Wreck. Dakota’s cake has too much frosting but the inside is good. Surprisingly the tres leches is really good, less sweet and there are some strawberries from somewhere."

Cliffieland on quinceanera: "The event turns out to be a darling gathering which seems very fun. But maybe it's where I was from, but it bears little resemblance to the over-the-top, costing-enough-to-put-your-family-in-hock-for-the-rest-of-their-lives extravaganzas I saw among the (mostly) Cubans I grew up around. I mean, where were the dancing waiters? The choreographed water ballet? The grand entrance from a mirrored sphere descending from the ceiling? I mean, how is a girl supposed to understand her worth to the world without that?"

Foodie Buddha lets us in on some culinary terms.

And last, but not least...Top Chef Refire's episode 3 podcast!

Posted on AllTopChef.com

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