Wednesday, March 2, 2011

TC News and Information 3.2.11

Whatever happens on tonight's All-Stars episode, Top Chef Masters 3 is the next series on the TC horizon, and this news from has me looking forward to it - at least for the second episode, when Mad Men's Christina Hendricks and her husband will appear in a 1960s-themed challenge.

Will TCM 3 recycle prior contestants as it did in Season 2? We don't know. But Masters contestant and pop-up restaurant legend Ludo Lefebvre and his wife (who was a contestant on The Apprentice) have a new show slated to premiere on the Sundance Channel in mid-July, doing pop-up restaurants across the U.S., in such places as Marfa, TX, and Mobile, AL, according to the LA Times' SquidInk.

In other TC pop-up news, last week's ousted All-Star Dale Talde executed his "Bodega Pop-Up" Saturday for a projected 36 diners. He tells Feast about the menu in this interview, and you can find some great photos from the folks he partnered with here.

We're going to skip over the SOBE news for now, where Spike Mendelsohn did NOT win the Burger Bash again but is ubiquitously mentioned as wearing a hamburger costume.

Instead, we're rather more interested in the Voltaggio brothers recent Smoke 'n' Fire BBQ road trip across the midwest. In case you're not on twitter or wondered what it was about, The Feast explains it all here for you Don't miss the slide show.

Ousted All-Star Jamie Lauren may not have come across on All-Stars as having her head in the game this season, but it sounds like she does at her new restaurant Beechwood, according to the LA Times.

And in case you missed these tidbits we featured on the AllTopChef Facebook page (yes, we sometimes break news and link to other stuff over there), a few more items, with extra linkage:

Season 6's Eli Kirshtein (whose Bravo blogs about TC All-Stars I've found articulate and insightful) is featured in a new Marvel Spiderman comic - who knew? Here's NPR's coverage. If I could choose my own super-hero power, I'd definitely want it to be food-related :)

More of Carla Hall's modeling photos here.

And in case you couldn't stay up late enough for Fabio's live chat Monday night, here's a transcript.

Hang on for tonight's All-Stars episode, where we see who exits and who goes on to the supposed 4-part finale (?). Then come back tomorrow and commiserate, exuberate, or sound off as you see fit.

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