Friday, March 11, 2011

All Top Chef Interview with Carla Hall

 Top Chef All-Star contestant Carla Hall talks about her experience on the Bravo Show.

A highlight: Carla is focusing on a new line of petite cookies.
Click here for the Alchemy website.

Click here for the podcast.

Thank you Chef Carla!


  1. can't wait to try the cookies - and some are gluten free, which is great. i have a number of friends who are carla fans, and this will be a perfecy gift.
    i'm unclear tho - is she not taking mail orders yet?

  2. I've had the cookies, and they are tiny little treasures. I will be ordering more soon. Fortunately, Alchemy is less than a mile from my house, so I can pick up and don't have to sit on my hands waiting for delivery.

    Now, it's time to vote Carla Fan Favorite.

  3. Cookies will be picked up Friday. Can't wait!


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