Thursday, February 17, 2011

ATC Love to Chef Angelo Sosa

On Top Chef All-Stars, one week you're riding high, and the next you...get eliminated. So it went for Angelo Sosa, whose pulled pork dish was a huge hit for him last week; this week, his baked potato soup provoked Padma to ask him to pack his knives and go. As he pointed out, he had competed in about 40 challenges in a row, if you consider that there was precious little time between the end of his original season 7 and the start of season 8. The middle-of-the-night challenge didn't help matters, either.

Chef Sosa, it really seemed like you'd be in the top 3 or 4 chefs this season, so this loss is a surprise for many of us. ATC is sorry to see you go, and we wish you great success with your new restaurant, Social Eatz, opening in March!

This post is only for positive comments about Chef Sosa and his dishes. If you have anything negative to say, please click here.


  1. INTERESTING to watch him cook. PLEASE STAND up; you make my back hurt watching you. GOOD LUCK with your new restaurant!

  2. Oh, this is so sad - I love Angelo! He's so talented and creative. I'm sorry to see him go. :(

  3. Angelo... I think you are a genious about the precision and passion you have about your craft. You are a true artist.. and your food reflects a brillant culinary mind. It was an honor to watch your work and I am a huge fan. Even if others might have misunderstood you, your humility shines through more deeply, and your character is like a great empty canvas. I have grown to love food and the art of food and the value it has to our lives... better, because of Top Chef, and I wish you the very best.


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