Thursday, December 9, 2010

Congratulations, Richard Blais, Angelo Sosa, and Marcel Vigneron

Given that Richard, Angelo, and Marcel all made it to the final three in their respective seasons, it should be no surprise that they would put together a winning dish. The fact that three powerhouse chefs could end up working on one dish shows the embarrassment of riches this season has in terms of culinary talent.

Their Banana Parfait was chosen over the wide selection of dishes produced by Team Brontosaurus on the American Museum of Natural History Challenge. Although many would have thought that Team T-Rex had the advantage of working with meat, eggs, and dairy, their team pulled out its collective creativity and brought home the win. We look forward to seeing what all three of them can do in future episodes, both in team challenges and individually.

This post is only for postitive comments about Angelo, Marcel, and Richard. If you have anything negative to say about them or their competition, please do so here.

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