Friday, November 19, 2010

TC News and Info Special Edition: Yigit's Finale Viewing Party and The Elves Speak

With special dispensation from "Bravo and the Pope,” Yigit and a crowd of supporters watched an early West Coast viewing Wednesday night of the Just Desserts finale at Macy’s at San Francisco's Union Square. Click through for some print, lots of photos, and especially the video, where Yigit expresses his relief to no longer have to "keep this bloody thing a secret", his amazement that so many people actually know how to pronounce his name, his thoughts on deciding to contribute to the Trevor/It Gets Better Project, and his appreciation for Sherry Yard, his sous-chef on day one of the TCJD final challenge. Oh, yeah, and the crowd also goes wil

Now that the inaugural season of Top Chef Just Desserts is over, want to know what the producers were up against? Dan Cutforth and Jane Lipsitz  of The Magical Elves share some behind-the-scenes tidbits here.


  1. Yikes, I hate when I misspell something and know better. My gaffes do tend to result in comments, though. Glad to know you're reading :)


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