Thursday, November 4, 2010

All Top Chef Interview with Eric Wolitzky

Top Chef: Just Desserts contestant, Chef Eric Wolitzky talks about his experience on the Bravo Show.

Highlights: His recommendation for any future contestants is to "memorize your recipes." Sometimes the chef with the best memory will win.

Also his best friend from the show is Erika Davis.

Click here for the podcast.

Click here for the Baked website.

Thank you Chef Eric!


  1. Another great podcast, LK. Glad Eric "I'm just a baker" Wolitzky made it as far as he did. It was fun to watch his arc on the show, and to hear him talk more about it in your interview. Thanks!

  2. I love Eric and would probaly eat any dessert he put in front of me. Good baking will always demand my attention before weird, frou-frou desserts with strange flavor combinations.


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