Thursday, October 14, 2010

Reactions to Top Chef Just Desserts Episode 5

With the departure of Seth last week, we are left with a relatively drama-free episode. Well, as drama-free as pastry chefs can be. Heather H, Yigit, and Zac decide to form their own little pastry clique, Team Go Divas, and annoy all and sundry by chanting "go Diva!" every few minutes. Unfortunately, that wasn't quite enough to cause anyone to smack anyone in the head with an offset spatula.

Wolfgang Puck's corporate Queen of Pastry Sherry Yard was guest judge for this episode. In the Quickfire Challenge, she had to judge the pastrycheftestants abilities with that tricky baked product - the souffle. Zac goes rogue and makes a frozen souffle, while the rest of the gang stick to the real deal. Sherry tells Heather H that the perfect souffle is like a unicorn - she's never seen one.

On the bottom are Zac, Erika, and Heather H. - wow, two members of "Go Diva." However, member 3, Yigit, makes it into the top three along with Danielle and Morgan and ends up the winner with his chocolate souffle.

Next up - the Elimination Challenge is to celebrate the upcoming LA Fashion Week by creating edible fashion. Each pastrycheftestant is responsible for making an edible garment AND two petits fours that act as "accessories" to serve sixty fashionistas at an event. The inspiration? Women's shoes, which Gail is quick to point out do NOT come from her personal collection. Gaygasps all around, including from straightboy Morgan. When it's his turn to choose, he makes a beeline for a pair of Spiderman-esqe red platforms with black piping. He's practically petting and drooling on the shoes as he takes them to his table.

After a shopping trip to Albertsons, the pastrycheftestants will have 8 hours to work on their items, and then two more hours the next day at the venue. Zac's an old pro at making edible fashion, and he says it's "bananas" that the producers expect them to get something so complicated done in a mere 8 hours. But he's plugging away at his "showgirl warrior" costume, using plungers for breast cup molds.

With scant time left on the clock, Johnny Iuzzini and his pompadour come in with a twist. But it's not a twist - it's an incentive. The winner of this challenge will receive $20K. Everybody drools, apart from Morgan who has used most of his saliva on his pumps.

Eric is making a dress for a trashy housewife out on the town - in other words, something for one of the Housewives of New Jersey/Atlanta/New York/DC/Orange County/Beverly Hills. Morgan creates a "little black dress" of chocolate paillettes, plus a matchy-matchy black-piped red purse for the Spideyshoes. He finishes early [insert rude comment here] and seems quite proud of himself.

Eventually all the time is up and the pastrycheftestants set up their dress forms and petits fours to be gobbled up by the hungry guests. Heather H's dress looks like a turkey prostitute. Yigit's dress of white chocolate feathery things is insanely short. Eric's is a bloody mess. And both Heather C and Danielle eschewed using their pastry skills and opted to make fashion out of salad.

After tasting everything, the judges select Morgan, Zac, and Yigit as the top three. At one point, Johnny calls Zac a "silly little bastard," which Zac seems to take as a compliment. Ultimately, Morgan takes the win and the $20K. On the bottom are the salad girls, Danielle, and Heather C., and Eric. Although Eric's dress is a disaster, he at least made cookies. Heather C put the least amount of work into her dress, and the judges weren't keen on her petits fours, so she was given the boot.

Again. Sucks to be her.

So what did you think about this episode? Please tell us in the comments!


  1. Morgan seems to be deliberately setting himself as the villain. Or maybe he really is a villain.

  2. I'm waiting for a cage match between Morgan and Remainng Heather. My money's on her.

    Also, I'd prefer to lose the name Morganza, as that should be applied only to the rogue redhead model from season 1 of Project Runway.

  3. Personally, I don't want to ever hear the term "go diva" ever again after that.

    Also, wouldn't a pair of petit fours be a petit eight?


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