Thursday, October 7, 2010

ATC Love to Chef Seth Caro

Your competitors admired your creativity and technique, saying you pushed everyone in the room and were the one to beat. We thought you were reality show gold and are sorry you weren't cleared by the producers to compete further after your anxiety attack.

Chef Caro, we wish nothing but the best for you and your family. And we hope to see more of your culinary creations in the future.

This post is only for positive comments about Chef Caro. If you have anything negative to say about him or his competition, please do so here.


  1. Personally, I am happy to see the show get back to what it's really about: pastry chefs pushing the boundaries and making kickass desserts!

  2. Same here. The drama was fun for a couple episodes but he obviously needs help. I hope he gets it and is back to making desserts soon.

  3. Im so sorry that he could not continue with the competition...

    Obiously he had a really bad attitude as one of the contestants... He turned crazy! and he was so rude to his opponents....

    But i think he is sexy!, and handsome!, and of course he have the Talent!

    Good look to you Seth!
    We would like to see you again, with a new and good attitude, ready to win! ;)


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