Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Recap Roundup: Top Chef DC Episode 7

This week on Top Chef: toothpicks and peas and...does anyone even care that much anymore? This season is soooo long. Seriously - do the bloggers even care?

Jordan Baker haikus: "Doesn’t eat swordfish? / Is Michelle Bernstein’s 'rival?' / Ok, Andrea."

Minx Eats on the season's lack of...everything: "Welcome to another snooze-worthy edition of Top Chef! I've always felt DC and politics were rather boring, and Top Chef 7 is fitting right into my negative view. Even the manufactured tension and fake romances aren't adding the punch in the 'nads this season really needs."

Cliffieland on Kenny's hubris: "Kenny (The Notorious Ken.I.E.) is moping that with all his great, impossible skills the only way he could have possibly been nearly eliminated last week was if the rest of the chefs just wanted him out. And, with that, Kenny completes his transformation into your garden variety, full-on cocky-delusional chef. Which I think is a shame."

Best Week Ever on the mystery and drama: "Alex wins, because Art Smith loved his pea puree so much. Huh? I mean, surely that’s not legal, right? Or did he honestly just make a pea puree and Ed happened to lose his pea puree? Aren’t there seventy-five cameras on everything at all times, and still no one saw what really happened? Did they all accidentally zoom into the Monogram logo at the same time?"

Pop Watch (EW) on Angelo's crocodile tears: "Angelo, on the other hand, is as deceiving as they get. I mean how can you expect us to believe you’re actually sad to see Tamesha gone when you’re wearing neon green?"

Reality TV Magazine on the Quickfire losers: "After Aaron tasted the appetizers, he decided that the worst ones were Kelly, who made a scallop and watermelon kabob, Ed, who did two different styles of tuna, and Alex, who created a scallop kabob with bacon and strawberries, yuck!"

Penn Live on what politicians do: "After Aaron tasted the appetizers, he decided that the worst ones were Kelly, who made a scallop and watermelon kabob, Ed, who did two different styles of tuna, and Alex, who created a scallop kabob with bacon and strawberries, yuck!"
TV Squad tonge twists: "Pea puree. Say that five times fast. Sounds pretty funny after awhile, don't you think?"

My Monkey Could Do That on Andrea: "She’s sorry she didn’t get to show herself but she thinks that her mistakes were all mental. She also says she doesn’t need four people behind a table telling her she can cook because she knows she can cook. Then why was she so concerned about Michelle Bernstein last week?"

What'ere, Jane Eyre on the civics lesson: "He gives the chefs (and us) a very interesting little summary of the ethics problem of feeding politicians. Lobbyists can't be arranging vast gourmet dinners to help influence votes, so a workaround solution had to be found. That solution is... Toothpicks! The Quickfire Challenge will be to create a delicious, bite-sized mini-dish that can be speared on the end of a toothpick. Neat."

Single Guy Chef on the b-roll: "We open with scenes of … the cemetery? You know how some people like to go and take pictures of the cemeteries? Yeah, not me."

Reality Bites (Baltimore Sun) on Amanda's whining: "Amanda doesn't have an idea of what to do, but decides on a lamb kabob. 'Making hors d'oeuvres is boring,' she says. Ahem, so are you Mandy, my girl."

Serious Eats on Food Network influencers: "Kenny whipped up some mojito-infused shrimp. 'I'm infusing a cocktail in with the bite as well,' he explained. Sandra Lee would have been so proud."

Eater.com on "power": "This week's episode is entitled 'Power Lunch' because it's still the 1980's up in here. I thought no one had expense accounts anymore? Hopefully certainly not anyone in Washington. Remember when Gordon Gecko said, 'lunch is for wimps?' No one told all the wimps in this episode."

Max the Girl on Aaron Schock: "I love the name Aaron Schock, because it totally sounds like the lead singer of a punk rock band, not the perky (and abtastic) Young Republican that he actually is."

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