Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Recap Roundup: Top Chef DC Episode 11

Jordan Baker haikus: "Amanda goes home / For grey tuna. At ball game / Stick with crackerjack"

Minx Eats on Angelo's weirdness: "And Inigo reveals that he's a bit insane: when he was younger, he would pray to famous chefs at a candle-lit shrine he set up in a room in his home."

Cliffieland on Ed's big win and what it means: "And he wins a trip to Australia which he can take with that girlfriend we've heard so much about, mostly because she's always harping on the man that he never takes her anywhere and now they can go on a trip overseas together, but will probably break up because can that kind of relationship really survive a 24-hour plane trip? ... Or maybe I'm just projecting."

Eater.com on idioms: "Ed gets 'Hot Potato.' How is that an idiom? It's a game for children. 'Your idiom is Hungry Hungry Hippos. You have to cook a lot of little white balls for fat people.'"

Gawker on the elimination challenge's lack of weirdness: "The elimination challenge was to make ballpark food and to serve it at the Washington Nationals stadium, a refreshingly un-farfetched task."

Best Week Ever has some predictions: "Indeed, Amanda is sent home, leaving Kelly, Angelo, Kevin, Tiffany, and Ed to battle it out for the 4 finale spots. Kevin is the likely odd man out, and Tiffany is easily the favorite to win it at this point, especially with Angelo falling apart and confirming as we suspected from Episode One that he’s this season’s Stefan / Richard B. / Redhead Kevin 'Guy who’s good from the get-go but you can just tell he’s not going to win.'"

Serious Eats on Ed-in-drag: "The episode opened as my nightmares so often do: with Ed running around the Top Chef house wearing Tiffany's bright yellow dress. Personally, I thought Ed made one hell of an ugly woman."

What'ere, Jane Eyre on potato faces: "Angelo takes a little shot at him in interview, saying that Ed will look good on the packaging, since he kind of looks like a potato. I've been talking about Potato Faces in movies and on TV for years, but can't ever articulate what I mean. To paraphrase a more well-known quote: I may not be able to define Potato Face, but I know it when I see it."

Max the Girl on Angelo's lady: "Our extra bit of footage during the commercial break shows Angelo talking on the phone to his (mail order?) Russian bride. Turns out, he’s only seen her a couple of times but they talk on the phone constantly. Oh, this is not going to end well. (I hope they’re at least using Skype.)"

Speakeasy (WSJ) on Amanda's nasty tuna: "Amanda served brown tuna tartare to Eric Ripert and Rick Moonen. Oh, honey. Nothing we say can capture how truly bad, just awful really, an idea that was. She makes a few excuses but only undermines herself more."

Reality Check (Baltimore Sun) on the Quickfire winners...and bacon: "The favorites dishes are Ed's spring herb gnocchi. And Kevin's bacon three ways - pureed, poached and chopped. Although Angelo helpfully points out that there's no way Kevin's dish could be frozen. Still, Moonen says it was so delicious that he wanted to lick the plate clean. Understandable. Bacon kinda does that to everyone."

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