Thursday, August 19, 2010

ATC Love to Chef Alex Reznik

This week we said goodbye to the much-maligned Chef Alex Reznik. During the episode, Amanda said she believes Alex is very talented, but often has problems with execution - and it was, ultimately, execution that sent him home.

Alex's task this week was to "disguise" veal parmigiana, which he did by creating veal parm tortellini. Though the judges praised his concept, they criticized the execution, saying the meat was "tougher than a post in Yemen" and the cheese was no better than what they could get at a street fair.

This post is only for positive comments about Chef Reznik. If you have anything negative to say, please leave your comment here.


  1. Alex, Congrats on your Top Chef success! Even tho they showed you in a "not so great" light on the show.

    See you SOON at your restaurant!


  2. I detected a bias against the way Alex was portrayed which built subliminally on his ethnicity, and that really creeped me out. So, Alex, I hope you stay strong against what will undoubtedly be some weird vibes headed your way, based on the show.

  3. He didn't bother me like he did so many blog posters. I thought he was kind of funny and harmless. I also don't think he stole the pea puree, but pea pureegate will forever haunt him.


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