Thursday, April 22, 2010

Congratulations Chefs Waxman and Moonen!

Welcome back to two chefs from last season's competition, Jonathan Waxman and Rick Moonen, who did far better this time around. Chef Waxman won both the Quickfire Challenge and the Elimination Challenge this week, his years of expertise leading him down the right path. Chef Moonen, who didn't complete his Quickfire dish last season, this time got high marks in the Quickfire and impressed the judges with his fish cookery in the Elimination.

Congrats to both chefs and we're looking forward to seeing you do well in the Championship Round.

This post is only for positive comments about Chefs Waxman and Moonen. If you have anything negative to say about them or any of the other chefs in the competition, please do so here.

1 comment:

  1. Rick Moonen is a class act, we have had the pleasure of dining at RM Seafood in Las Vegas upstairs and down, as well as meeting him in person. The food was amazing, I still dream about it and the Chef was very hospitable, we are rooting for RM all the way!!!


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