Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Fool!

So, did you buy that post about Nigella Lawson replacing a certain Top Chef host? And did you notice today's date?

Just a little April Fool's prank, courtesy of your friends here at All Top Chef. :)

Note: Don't look for the post - Bravo requested that it be removed because of a problem with "talent" and the potential lawsuit said "talent" might bring down on my head. :)


  1. What happened to the original post? Boooooooo.....

  2. Totally, until I read the tags. I quit work when I became a mother. My boss wanted me to keep working and bring the babies to work. That's babie(S) - twins. The woman was bat shit crazy.

  3. Okay, so when I saw your post I knew it was April 1 (I mean, we had our own prank) and the likelihood of it being a 4-1 joke was sky high. But I still went to the Bravo site to confirm what I suspected. That's right, it DROVE ME TO BRAVO which would seem to only be a good thing, right?

  4. Thoroughly enjoyed the original post. Sheesh - Bravo can't take an April Fool's joke? Must have gotten too many people clamoring for Nigella to replace Padma. Happy April 1!


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