Friday, March 12, 2010

Top Chef D.C.!

According to the Washington Post's "Reliable Source" column, Top Chef 7 will indeed be filmed in Washington D.C., confirming the rumor we reported last month.

Additionally, it seems that Kate Winslet would like to be a part of the festivities, but we'll have to wait and see on that one.


  1. SUPER exciting. I would be so great to go to one of the events...I wonder if that'll be a possibility.

  2. Seconded -- I wonder how I can get them to cater an event at the Prestigious Internationally Known Media Organization where I do my thankless toiling. Or, you know, to cook me breakfast in bed on the shitty 1/2 sized stove in my basement apartment's crappy kitchen. Whichever sounds better to you, Bravo!

  3. rumor has it they'll be stashed somewhere on R St. near Dupont.

  4. sounds like a real world re-run to me, why don't they pick somewhere more DC like Capital Hill!

  5. ya, I agree. Cap Hill, Logan or even Georgetown would have been better.


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