Tuesday, August 25, 2009

GLAAD Top Chef Invasion

The Hancock Park: Chef Invasion hosted by GLAAD (that would be the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, not to be confused with a similarly-named Top Chef sponsor) took place on August 23rd and featured season 5's Jamie Lauren and Rich Sweeney in hand-to-hand combat. Well, they took knife to onions....

And the winner of the GLAAD Top Chef Golden Whisk? Rich Sweeney! Watch the "award ceremony" here.


  1. Awwwww ... "Richard The Pooh" looks adordable.

    That Jamie fella looks good also...


  2. Team Rainbow! I thought Rich was adorable. Wish he'd stayed longer.

  3. He cried when he got cut and I did too. He really seems like a lovely guy.

  4. Awe, thanks guys! Anyone wanna come try out my big Golden Whisk?


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