Wednesday, July 15, 2009

TC News & Information

TC2's Sam Talbot was on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon the other night, sharing a recipe from his upcoming gig as chef at the Mondrian Hotel in NYC. View the episode here. Sam's segment starts at the 37.41 mark, or choose chapter 6 from the guide.

The Popcorn Trick is already handicapping Top Chef 6!

Here's an article on one of tonight's TCM competitors, Laclan Mackinnon Patterson.

Did James Oseland really piss off Douglas Rodriguez?

Toby Young is back for more!


  1. Re: Toby.

    (clears throat)


  2. If you read Jay Rayner's blog on bravo he mentions that a few years ago Rodgriguez also threatened to take him outside and kick the crap out of him. Seems to be a pattern... can't imagine it helps his business.


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